PERFECT Surface Finishing Solutions: Ride towards sustainability with an ecosystem of experts!
Eurobike 2023, the largest bike show in Europe is coming, challenging the industry toembracea more sustainablebike manufacturing andapply circular practices.
There’s no better way toaddress the need to lower your production carbon footprint, than improving the quality and ecological aspects of your supplies. At least that is what BIG bike brands in Europe are heading to, which will pave the path for the entire industry’sgreen future.Higher quality standards, rigorous control on chemicals, extendedproduct warrantees guarantee andthe need for a low carbon footprint of production and products, leading to green facilities. Many other aspects are part of the sustainability checklist that prominent suppliers need to respond.
The sppot ecosystem of experts dedicated to surface finishing solutions is ready to meet the demands of the new European bike production reality and lead the industry towards a better future for the sake of all of us. Surface finishing plays a vital rolein bike production despite that end customersdo not pay much attention to it. It is a meticulous process, that bike producers diligently uphold, so they can offer trendy, high-quality, sustainable final products– bicycles, eBikes, cargo bikes.From frame design and metal preparation, pre-treatment, professional application processes - coating liquid and powder coatings tofinal curing, decaling and the final touch a clear coat,if something goes wrong – repair and care, touch-up!
…it is all about the surface.
Pick a color
No matter if it is an alloy or carbon bike frame, the question remains – what is the best coating to choose from. Well,it could be powder or liquid, or both for better results. The sppot’s partners TIGER Coatings and Berlac offer not only wide range of color selection and effects, but also guarantee for their sustainable production.
TIGER Coatings has always been driven by their green gene. They areconstantly pushing the boundaries of environmentally friendly powder coatings by setting distinctive milestones with their remarkable innovations.
Berlac is an innovative Swiss company committed to sustainability by adhering to strict rules for exemplary recycling, complying with environmental regulations and maintaining consistent waste management practices. Environmental protection is their top priority evident in every aspect of their operations.
Pick a decal
Posterama is a leading European manufacturer for decals that has revolutionized the bike production industry. Their game-changing products are designed tomaintain exceptional performance for at least 3 years ensuringenergy efficiency during the manufacturing process. How would that effect your bike production?Reduced costs, improvedreliability andenhanced quality are just some of the benefits.
Next level production equipment
Looking to build a new production line or upgrade the existing one to lower your bills and increase energy efficiency? Look no further. Eurotherm S.p.A. are specialized in implementing efficient and resource-saving processes, as well as planning next level production upgrades to guarantee high quality finishes.
WAGNER is a market-leading manufacturer of high-tech systems and components for the application of paints, powders and various liquid media to surfaces. The WAGNER Industrial Solutions division covers the entire technology range for industrial applications and offers both complete systems and individual components for manual and automatic coating. All products focus on the efficient and resource-saving use of materials, which contributes to a sustainable coating process.
With self-learning robots, innovative operating systems and comprehensive aftersales support Lesta Robotics are the future of production line equipment.No matter what your production needs maybe they have the perfect solutions to fulfill them.
The perfect final touch
What if at the end ofthe production process your bike frames have imperfections in their final appearance?Do you need to start over and redo the entire coating? Not anymore. Duthoo’s final touch products offer a solution to reduce your production costs while ensuring that you deliver flawless finished bikes to your customers.
This was just a glimpse to the sppot’s ecosystem of surface finishing experts. If you want to joins us on our journey toward sustainability,meet usat Eurobike 2023.
Hall 8.0
Booth K13
Book a meeting in advance: https://calendly.com/rpetkova/meet-the-sppot-team-eurobike